Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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238 MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS [October J4. lyi + l NEWS FROM CONNECTICUT Briatow-Mondell Amendment Endorsed at Annual Meeting. The annual convention of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Associa- tion, which has heen in session in Hartford Thursday and Friday of this week, came to a close late yesterday afternoon. The election of officers was held in the morning- The afternoon session yesterday was given up to a discussion of the relations of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association and the Na- tional Association. Hitherto the Connecticut organization has been an at'tilialcd metnlter of the National Association. Uist year, however, there was a change in the national constitution which made such nienuVrship very r&fMtMtfvc to an association which is raising ami sending much motuvTn its own State. Pues were paid 011 the basis of a percentage of State income, and for 1913*1914 the C. \Y. S. A. jmid in dues $75 to the National, in addition lo several hundred dollars in rcs|K>nsc to sj>ccial appeals for help in the cami»aign States. It was felt that this was too great a tax on the resources of the association, and a resolution was pa&ted that the t . W. S. A. should rc-ign from its present jtositinn and apply for associate mtfttbcfiJrfp—a membership which costs $100 and give* the association the right to 10 delegates to the national convention. There was a >irong appeal for money to carry on the work of the unuing \ear, and the pledges of support were headed by the Hartford Initial h'rauchi>e League and the New Haven Kijual Kranchise League, which each pledged Suxx). liridgejiort have more ambition than others,1} When ail the women want police protection, thfn, and not until then, shall any woman have police protection. I Hut some women are Very timid—No matter f) Now, let's apply litis same reatoning lo the men. and we have: When all the men want fire insurance, then, and not until then, •hall any mas have fire insurance. (H'/>uf> IWn; that 1 foolish, some men wish to he provident t) When all the men want tobacco, then, and Nor until then—Ye goJtt! MY/.. I m,, >. not! ! When all the men ust the bm lot, then, and then only, shall any man HI ALLOWED TO USE IT. {Welt, what do you think, of that—and this, a demotraty! ! .') Shall all men be prohibited from the uie of the ballot became tome men are too lazy or disinterested lo cast iheirt? Not at all, you say. Well, why then should the women who thow a keen interest in the big home—the spacious home called the world, wlierein both men and women have been placed, by no authority of either— be denied the right to eiprest their opinions until every woman is wide enough awake lo form an opinion lo express? There is no reason in such an objection, but iutl as Me are put through our other Iriclu and made lo lie down and play dead, and jump through hoops, etc., lo prove our ability and desire lo vote, just so we have lo meet those absolutely unreatonable objections. Therefore, let ut be prepared to meet ihem. "WHEN ALL THE WOMEN WANT IT" By Alice Stone Bltckwetl. Price, 5 cents; Postpaid. 6 cents. Will help you lo meet this objection witely and well, and every lime you give a convincing answer lo an objection, you prove your ability to form an opinion, and also your ability to express it, right to the point (via the haliot-bott.) CIRCULATE THE LITERATURE Mn. Charles J. Keller, Chairman Literature Committee, 222 West Monument St., Baltimore, Md. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS Amenta* (iieiitest, IfeM :nni Moil Ciiuililete CtafttM ;¦'¦ d Dyeing HottM CUMBERLAND, Ml). Kallimore Rr«n< he-i 302 N Ha war fl st 3401 Charles St. 201N. Lliimtta 31 A. HOLT S:|. ¦¦<¦ ¦ -n '1.. M. H. I 11 II). Confectioner 324 N.Charles St. 941 1 BALTIMORE. MD. "At the Si.n of the Devil." ft * P. Phone, St. p.u| 5»72. Rollman & Schloss Printing S. E. Corner Howard and Fayette Sla. Baltimore, Md. IIAGER8TOWN WOMEN TO ORGANIZE Local Branch of the Jutt Government League to Bo Launched at Once. I lagerstown is al>mit to cuter the ranks ami put into the field an organ- ization whose aim and purpose will lie securing the right of suffrage. At a meeting held at the resilience of Mrs. George 11. Stonebrakcr, South l'rospect street, on the afternoon of Octolier m. plans were launched for the formation of a local hranch of the State Just (iovemment I .eague. The meeting was attended Itv sixty or more local women who are in- terested in this movement. Various topics of interest along this line were discussed ami plans were formulated whereby I lagerstown might have an organization of this l:ind. Many of the women present were heartily in favor of this, anil a numlter placed their signatures as memliei's, part as active and part as honorary members. Miss Caroline Wilson of Kaston. Mil., who is in charge of the sutVragc Ixjoth at the ! lagerstown I'air, was present ami gave a brief talk. Miss Wilson s|M)ke of the organization of this league in Maryland and the great good it w ill accomplish. She pictured what form tlte organization would take in I lagerstown. urging the women to use every means for the propa- ganda. She also s|>oke of the organization in Kaston, Mil., her home low n. In that town they have a splendid organization. Meetings are held weekly, and al these there are always some topic of interest and of educational value to the women discussed. Mrs. J. C Wrenshall, Jr., of Reading, I'a., gave an interesting address along this line. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the world-wide spread of the suffrage movement. CAMPBELL Florist 321 N. Howard Si. Phone, lit. Vernon 1664. C. J. BENSON & CO. INTERIOR DECORATIONS fur nit ufa, Woastwarh, Loaslaal Olaaa Pavtiarr, Walt Paeara, Drapery, Uehelatery Stuff* 601-3-6 N. Charles 81 At FrmnkUn BALTIMORE, MD. Mrs. F. M. GOODWIN Milliner? aid NoTcltie. 2024 81. PAUL STREET Hopper, McGaw & Co. Importers and Grocers 344 and 346 N. Charles St. BALTIMORE. MD. C. A P Phone. St. Paul 1775. DUNN, HEIIISLER & STIRUN6 PRINTERS 418-424 E. Pratt SI. Baltimore Fleet-McGinley Co. PRINTERS SOI'TH and WATER STREETS THE NORMAN-REMINGTON CO. (The Elchelberger Book Co.) W. N. Norman S. 0. Renting to 308 N. Charlea St. 4 p lunda Rice, - - SSe. 1 pound good Tea - 86c. Fineat Coffee in town, 80c. Aak ua to quote you canned goods. A. PAGE REID Green Grocer. 13 W. Eager Street Mrs,. M. K QUINN importer Gowna and Evening Wraps, Tallor-Msde Suits 1220 N. CHARLES STREET CAP. Phase. Ut. Varan MM W. B. & WASHINGTON A. Every 3o minute* every day. Direct to Wh'tc HouasandTreasury N» thanes of eara. ANNAPOLIS 25 minutea before the hour. Additional trains dally except Sunday, 4.06 and S.0B P. M. Only Una direct to Naval Academy gat*. CLEAN -SAFE-COMFORTABLE McLANAHAN'S 206 N. LI«£RTV STREET tnd dJor »ho*e Lcxlniton KSSL" MILLINERY Rataonabla Prl«M Mturnliti floodi a Special!* C0UGHLAN & CO. JEWELERS 336 North Charles Street BALTIMORE; MD. MaJ.rn All Si—I ELECTRIC TRAINS BalllMor* ICimdtn Station) to Annapalit Evtry half-hour mi hoar anil half-hour fi.80 A. M. to 7 P. M. Than hourly on hour until midnight. Inclualva. Shortest, Quickest and Moil Convenient Routt to ANNAPOLIS HELP THE CAUSE.—Mention the Maryland Suflraaa Nevra Whan Patronising Our Advertiser*.