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Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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308 MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS [December 26, 1914. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Condition of Our Schools at Seen by Miu Alice Tiffany, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Women'i Civic League. HHIMr of IIi-|imi-( Prnrnlfll lit Krbonl llnnril In May, 1111 I, i:i,-\cii BHlllllnKa Kuunil l:»llrt.|> I UMultublt* tor Itphuol l*ur|>UMfif. To the Honorable The Board of School Commissioners and The Board of Superintendents of Baltimore City: Gentlemen—Last year, on June loth, as chairman of the Education Committee of the Women's Civic League. I sent to the lioard a report of an investigation ot the physical condition of certain of the school build- ings of this city. This committee has this year revisited these schools. Wc have found in some instances that a few of the most flagrant defects have been improved, though in most cases the conditions remain as in- tolerable as last year, if not worse. Does the Hoard realize that in nine schools there is no drinking water for the children in the building? In several of these cases the hydrants in the yards freeze in winter. These are Xos. 38, 43, 03, 12, 28, 10", 108, 115 and 116, whereas in 18 schools the drinking water is entirely inade- quate—Xos. 3, 24, 38, 9, 80. 16, 33. 34, 36. II. 311. (15. 4, 33. 92, 106, IOI and 110. In six schools teachers' toilets arc needed—24. 38. 9. 45. 55 and 15. In six the children's toilets are inadequate or insanitary—Xos. 57, branch of 81 and 92 (insanitary) and 108, 11(1 and 115 (insufficient and insanitary). In 19 there is a crying need of paint, the absence of which makes it impossible for the rooms to be kept in a presentable condition—Xos. 3, 24. 38. 42. 25,95.43. 93, 45. 52. 12, 28.92, 76, 10'), 103, 107. 105 and 110. Paving in yard or cellar is badly needed in eight schools—Xo. 3 (cellar), ¦*4. 43. 57. 55. 78, 75 and 45- The following 11 buildings are, in our opinion, entirely unsuitable for school purposes, and we trust that in the near future they will be replaced by new ones: Xos. 12,93, t&i 4°' ,n7' '°5. '°8. 101. '"• it| and Ilfi. The committee would like to know upon what basis the wages of janitors and janitresscs are founded? We find that in many cases the service is entirely inadequate to the size of the buildings. Wc would like to make a special plea for the extension and improve- ment of kindergartens. In view of the size of Baltimore, the number seems surprisingly low, and we feel sure that in many neighborhoods where they are particularly needed there are none. In St. Louis, for instance, there are 155, and in Washington 72. From an ethical point of view the early training of the kindergarten is of the utmost importance, and is often a strong influence in the homes of the children. It has been stated by an authority in educational matters that statistics show that no person traineil in a kindergarten has ever been in jail. Children under six should be allowed to enter the kindergarten. Are the assistant kinder- garteners examined by a trained kindergartener? We find in some cases that they are not competent to do the work essential to be done. The kindergarteners arc much in need of a supervisor, who would be able to suggest improvements and would, we feel sure, prove of great value in the school force. Following this is appended a more detailed report of these schools. Very tndv vours. , _, A1.11K Tikiaxy, Chairman Kdueation Committee. School Xo. 3. Eastern and Montford avenues—Drinking facilities in- adequate, as reported last year; four faucets. Increase of about too pupils, now 823, makes this more marked. I'aving in cellar needed. School Xo. 24. southeast corner Fait avenue and I'atuxent street— Drinking water inadequate. Teachers' toilet needed; also paint. ()ver- crowding. Four faucets for 778 pupils. School Xo. 38. southeast corner Chesapeake and Hudson streets- Drinking water inadequate ; one hydrant and one faucet in teachers' room. Paint needed. School Xo. 47, Saltern avenue from I'atuxent to Streeper street—¦ Overcrowded. Xecds new addition. School No. 42, southwest corner Broadway and Hank street—Xecds paint badly inside and out. Xceds bubble fountains. Heating unsatis- factory. Boys' yard needs paving. School Xo. 25. Bond street near Canton avenue—Needs paint. Roof leaks since it was repaired. Plaster fallen in loft. School Xo. 108 (colored). South Caroline street near P»ank street— Building, as last year, entirely unfit for school purposes. If it must be continued, could it not have single instead of double desks? Paper on windows needed between rooms. No water in building; only hydrant in yard. More toilets needed for girls; only six for 100 girls; should have at least 15. School No. 1, northeast corner Fayette and Greene streets—Needs paint. School Xo. 9, southwest corner Fayette and Greene streets—Drinking water inadequate; very scarce. Teachers' toilet needed. Odors bad in basement. School Xo. 95, Lexington street near Fremont—Needs paint. School Xo. no (colored), Waesche street near Fremont—Drink- ing water entirely inadequate and situated in cellar in toilets. Hydrants needed. New furnace did not heat rooms last winter. Rest room very much needed. No comfortable chairs or place for teacher or child in case of sickness. Paint needed. School Xo. 40, southeast corner Aisquith and Orleans streets— Same condition as last year. Most serious feature is disorderly house in immediate neighborhood. Children can look in windows. School Xo. 101, Jefferson street near Caroline—Building entirely un- suitable. Hope new one will he begun at once. Branch III—Also unsuitable. Overcrowded. School Xo. 105, Rogers avenue near Lexington street—Very defective building; if used should have paint. School Xo. 43. High street near Fayette—Drinking water needed in building; only two hydrants, one for 540 girls and one for 700 boys. Paint needed; has had one green wash in 20 years. Door at top of rear stairs should he removed; frame makes narrow space. Teachers' room on first floor darkened by hood. Could it not he removed? More yard space needed, fence removed and slight grading to make it available. Also hack building of annex darkens rooms; should be removed. School Xo. 93. Baltimore street near Aisquith—Drinking water in- adequate. Xone in building. Paint essential. Understood that appro- priation has been made for new building. School Xo. 50, Gorsuch avenue near Tyler street—Glad to hear new building is to be erected. School Xo. 20. northwest corner Preston and Eden streets—Special desks needed for crippled children. Vestibule needed to room 2, leading to girls' yard ; also enlarged exit at rear end of hall leading into boys' yard. School Xo. 80, northeast corner Eden and Federal streets—Bubble fountains needed. School Xo. if), Harford anil .Ashland avenues—Drinking water in building badly needed. Floors in hall need repairing; splinters. School Xo. 45, southwest corner Grecmnount avenue and Eager street—Paint inside needed. Green shades needed for windows on south side. Repairs needed on boys' toilet. Plaster in boys' hall needed. Teachers' toilet needed on second floor. Entrance to girls' toilet should be drained. Teachers' Training School, Park avenue and Hoffman street—Build- ing entirely unsuitcd for the purpose. School No. 116, Druid Hill avenue near Biddle street—Inadequate and bad toilets. Xo water in building. Building entirely unsuitable for school purposes. School Xo. 52, southeast corner Oak and Twenty-fourth streets— Walls need paint. School Xo. 53. St. Paul and Twenty-fifth streets and Hargrove alley— Toilet needed on third floor; kindergarten children have to go to cellar. Bubble fountains needed. School Xo. 54. Twenty-fifth street near St. Paul street— Bubble foun- tains needed. School Xo. 115, Merryman's lane near York road—Totally unfit build- ing ; no change in conditions since last year. School Xo. 55, Chestnut avenue and Thirty-seventh street—Drainings and grading needed in yard. Toilet needed upstairs for teachert Bubble fountains needed. School Xo. 57, Church avenue near Merryman's lane—Open waste pipes from neighborhood in front of entrance to school. Muddy gutters should be paved. Boys' toilet insanitary. Branch of 81. Pennhurst avenue—Toilets entirely unfit. New build- ing needed. School Xo. 11, northwest corner Gilmor and Mosher streets—Bubble fountains needed. School No. 39, southwest corner Riggs and Carrollton avenues— Bubble fountains needed. School Xo. 78, Harlem avenue and Monroe street—Yard not suitably paved. School Xo. 65, Bloomingdale road, Calverton—Bubble fountain needed for boys. School No. 107 (colored), Biddle street near Pennsylvania avenue— HELP THE CAUSE.—Mention the M.ryl.nd Suff,.,. N.w. When Our