Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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February 27, 1915.] MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS 383 THE LETTER BOX Correspondent, to the If abilaitd Hnrriini Nawa ere reqneet.41 to efltlreoa all comnunl- catlons for too Letter Doi to Mrs. It. J. Byrne, Elllcott city, Mil.; to nee one .Itle of potter only, to leave space for beaulnc wilte legllily, and have letter la euca condltloB tbat It can lie forwarded Immodlatelj to the printer.—En. A Maryland Woman Writes of the Victory in Masaachuaetts. Dear Editor: This bit of description in a letter which has just come from my sister in Cambridge, Mass., may interest some of the readers of the News: "I went to the State House yes- terday to the legislative debate on the suffrage amendment. But, dear me, though I was in plenty of time I hadn't a show for a seat. Both the women's and men's galleries were packed with women, the corri- dors were full of women, and out on the steps there was a crowd of women, which I joined, it being so much cooler there than inside, and I imagine the speaking was better also. Four or five women spoke so sensibly, so logically and so appeal- ingly that I don't see how the many men present could fail to be con- vinced. Margaret Foley made the best speech. She is a fine figure of a woman, with a splendid deep voice. "The speaking went on until a message came with the news that the amendment had carried, 196 to 33 (such cheering]), and the band struck up 'The Star-Spangled Ban- ner,' the crowd joining in the chorus. Then we formed in ranks of six and marched down Park, Tremont and Boylston streets to suffrage headquarters, the band playing all the way. It was thrilling to see the girts in the big stores crowding to the windows, waving yellow shirtwaists, transfer slips, brushes, or anything else they could pick up that was yellow. There were a lot of expressions of sympa- thy all the way, and as we rounded into headquarters, 600 strong, the big U. S. and suffrage flags were simultaneously hoisted. "As I left the singing and jubi- lating was still going on. It was exciting, and made the tears come to my eyes to think that I was pres- ent at the final victory for which women had been petitioning the Legislature every year for six years." With hopes that our turn for re- joicing will come soon, yours, Margaret L. Sewall. Forest Glen, Md., Feb. 22, 1915. A Little Encouragement Now and Then— Dear Editors: Enclosed is $1, for which please send me the Maryland Suffrage News one year. I would have subscribed the first of the year, but after reading your papers I sent them to my friends and lost your address, hence my delay. Your paper is all right, and every right-thinking woman ought to take it. Wishing you success, I am, Sincerely yours, Mrs. E. E. Dunham, Towson, Md. INQUIRY COLUMN Inquiry: Are there any towns in Mary- land where women can vote at the municipal elections? Anstvcr: At Arundel-on-the-Bay, a sum- mer resort about five miles below Annapolis, all women who own property or whose husbands are taxpayers are entitled to vote for the Board of Commissioners, seven in number, upon whom afterwards devolves the task of choosing a mayor for the town. The elections are held in July of each year. LAMP OF SACRIFICE. A carter was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. The rustic driver, stupefied and aghast, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud cries to Hercules to come and help him. Hercules, it is said, appeared, and thus addressed him: "Put your shoulders to the wheels, my man. Goad on your bullocks and never more pray to me for help until you have done your best to help your- self, or depend upon it you will henceforth pray in vain." Self-help is the best help — Aesop's Fables. If we suffragists are to get our load along its way we must rely upon our own efforts. Voluntary contributions from those who have seen the light of suffrage (Lamp of Sacrifice) is the best help. Have you helped any yet ? Send contributions to Mrs. Chas. J. Keller, 222 West Monument street. Previously acknowledged-----$16.05 From Marmalade...........45 From D. S. N. S. K (five car- fares)...................25 Total.................$16.75 N. HESS' SONS S E. Baltimore St. B.ltirr It might be hard to IrueM which is the second-best or third-best Shoe end Hosiery Shop In Baltimore—but everybody KNOW that the FIRST-BEST is Hess'. BALTIMORE'S BEST STORE HOWARD AND LEXINGTON Telephone, Honwwood 2164. Theodore 6. Bunnecke Practical Plumber and Gts Fitter ::: Saweraae Work and Oralnaae a Specialty. Jobbing Promptly Attended To. 2002 ST. PAUL ST. BALTIMORE, MB. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS America** OrtatMt, Btti ind Moil Complete Cleaning and Dyeing _________ Home CUMBER LAN D, M D. Ball.merti Branch*! 302 H Howard Sr. 1401 Cftlflii St, Ml W. Llilt|tai SI McLANAHAN'S 206 N. LIBERTY STREET Ind door above Lexington in.Tg::."' millinery* Prices Meamlna Ooodi a tetclalt. Mra. M. K QUINN importer Gowns and Evening Wraps, Tailor-Made Sulla 1220 N. CHARLES STREET C. * P. Phone. Ml Vernon 1656 CLEAN MILK Pikesville Dairy Branch THE CITY DAIRY COMPANY 1601-13 Argyle Avenue. Telephone, Madison 2222. Hopper, McOaw & Co. Importers and Grocers 344 and 346 N. Charlea St. BALTIMORE, MD. C. * t> Phone. It. Paol 1775. DUNN, HEUISLER & STIRLIN6 PRINTERS 418-424 E. Pratt St. Baltimore J. W. BERRY & SON Furniture UPHOLSTERING AND CABINET MAKING 887 N. Howard St. 312 W. Blddle St. BALTIMORE, MO. Aatlgae sad Repair Wirt ¦ IpecliliT. c. I r. Hon, «i. vnsss mi; KRAFT COAL POCKETS Tho only plant of fl» kind In Baltimore wharf It la impossible to Bet dirtf eoal, aa It in automa- tically aerooncd, afted and sUted and kept undei COVER. Fitt-U Baaelei K leAla* Wat* m Special ChU Stefan Suburban Auto Delivery Special Prices OHM*. I032-U06 N. CHARLES STREET. CAMPBELL Florist 321 N. Howard St. Phono, Ut Vernon 15S4. BEAZLEY HUHnery Importer, Academy of Music Bunding. Sew Fall Models Now on Dis- play. C. J. BENSON & CO. INTERIOR DECORATIONS Furniture, Weeeheerfe, Leasee) Qlaaa Potter,, Wall Oeeeee, Dreaerr. Uaheletor, Stuffe 501-3-5 N. Charlea St. At Franklin BALTIMORE. MD Fleet-McGinley Co. PRINTERS SOUTH and WATER STREETS Mrs. F. M. GOODWIN Millinery aid Novelties 2024 St. PAUL STREET "Home of good Slices" Wyman Shoes for boys and ojrls Our ahoea far children glre better eervlce, because ttiey are made of the beat material! and fitted tiy experte. $1.50 and up according to tlxe aod extra quality. WYMAN 19 Lexington Street A. HOLT To II ,B. CHILD. Confectioner • 24 N.C>j.rle» It. 041 M.dlson Aye. BALTIMORE. MD. "TIM Baltimore Costumera" A. T. JONES & SONS 823 N. HOWARD St. Costumes for Hire and Made to Order THE NORMAN -REMINGTON CO. (The Elchelberger Book Co.) W. N. Norman S. O. Remington SOS N. Charles St. FANCY ASPARAGUS TIPS $2 35 Doien Cana This price is made to reduce stock and Is the lowest price that has ever been made by anybody in Fancy Tips. A. Page Reid IS W. Eager Street Green Grocer HELP THE CAUSE.—Mention Ike Maryland Soft-rate Nenra Whoa Patroaleiruj Our Advertisers.