Papenfuse: Research Notes and Documents for
Barron v Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243

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Papenfuse: Research Notes and Documents for
Barron v Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243

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Marshall (continued) Du Ponceau (Peter) on, 144 on Duvall (Gabriel), 325, 327 on essential function of judges, 198 federal jurisdiction cases (constitutional) and, 508, 510-523, 526-531, 533-536 federal jurisdiction cases (nonconstitutional) and, 839-840, 842-846 federal limitations on state power cases and, 545-552, 555-558, 562-568, 572-573, 575-592 federal procedure cases and, 850-852 international law cases and, 885-891, 896- 897, 900-901, 903/1, 912, 914, 915, 919 investment in Kentucky land by, 761 Jefferson (Thomas) and, 369-372 on Jefferson (Thomas), 522-523 Johnson (William) and, 372 linguistic analysis of Constitution by, 8 on Livingston (Brockholst), 332 negotiable instruments cases and, 825-826 offered Supreme Court vacancy, 345 on Ogden (David), 289 opinion authorship of, 181, 191-193, 368 Peters (Richard, Jr.) and, 405, 408, 410-411 Pinkney (William) and, 247-250, 291 on Pinkney (William), 243, 244, 247-250 portrait of, 367-383 real property cases and, 767-769, 771, 772, 774, 782-783 on Reporter of the Court position, 389 slave trade cases and, 688, 689, 697-703 social life of, 161 Story (Joseph) and, 100-103, 378-382 Tazewell (Littleton W.) and, 223-226 on Washington (Bushrod), 350 Webster (Daniel) and, 287-288 Webster (Daniel) on, 247/7 withdrawal from political life, 308 Marshall, Mary Ambler, 375, 377, 378 Marshall, S., 917/1, 918 Marshall, Thomas, 758, 759 Martin, Denny, 166, 167/1 Martin, Eleonora, 230/1 Martin, Luther, 230-241, 290, 543, 545, 601, 706-707 Martineau, Harriet, 31/1 Maryland, 24/1, 543, 545, 551, 552, 656, 660-661, 790, 856-857 Maryland, University of, 88 INDEX Maryland Court of Appeals, 589 Mason, F., 689/1 Mason, Jeremiah, 180/1, 271, 356, 615 Mason, William, 105, 106 Massachusetts, 24, 26, 599, 627/1, 661, 664, 667, 753, 838, 867, 917, 922 Massachusetts Vice Admiralty Court, 442 McClellan, J., 60/1 McCulloch, James, 238, 543 McGruder, George, 817-818 McGruder, Patrick, 817-818 Mclntyre, J., 269/1, 270/1, 272/1, 273/1, 274/1, 277/1, 281/1, 282/1, 283/1, 284/1 McKinley, John 162/1, 163 McLane, Louis, 288/1, 617, 901/1 McLean, John, 194/1, 294-298, 318, 418, 420-422, 478, 585, 618, 664, 921 on Baldwin (Henry), 302 federal procedure cases and, 854, 856 portrait of, 295-298 on property rights, 764 racial minority cases and, 690, 724, 732, 739 real property cases and, 778 McLoughlin, W., 716/1, 718 Mechanics institutes, 25-26 Medical theory and practice, 14-15 Meigs, W., 161/7 Meredith, William, 475-478 Metcalf, Simon, 694/1 Meyers, M., 13/1 Miles, E., 738/1 Miller, Henry, 769 Mills, B., 303/1 Mills, Elijah, 203 Mills, Peter, 823 Minnegrode, M., 235/1 Mississippi, 738 Missouri, 585, 586 Monroe, James, 56, 309, 310, 313, 487, 879 Monthly Anthology and Boston Review, 359 Moon, Archibald, 775-777 Moore, Alfred, 333 Moore, C., 353/1 Morel, John, 701/1 Morgan, Donald, 190 Murrin, J., 49/1 Nash, A. E. Keir, 685/1 Nashville Clarion, 934 "Nationalist" label, i 1002 INDEX Nathans, Sydney, 267/1 Natchez, Mississippi, Press, 933-934 Natural law, 51, 112, 674-678 Natural law argument, reconstituted, 675-740 American Indian cases, 680-681, 703-740, 970-971 Contact Clause cases and, 674-675 defined, 676 slave trade cases, 677, 678, 680-703, 739-740 as source of law, 677-680 Natural rights, 51, 57, 404, 674-676; see also Natural law argument, reconstituted Necessary and Proper Clause, 547-548, 553~ 555- 557-560 Negotiable instruments cases, 810-828 Neilson, Peter, 31/1 Nelson, John, 858 Nettels, C., 22/1 New Hampshire, 613, 626 New Jersey, 606-607, 627/1, 707-708 New York, 24, 627/1, 633, 652, 660, 753, 786-787, 917 New York American, 213-214, 522 New York Commercial Advertiser, 40/1, 573/1, 945" New York Court of Chancery, 569, 570 New York Court of Errors, 569, 570 New York Daily Advertiser, 931-933, 946- 947, 953-955 New York Evening Post, 930-932, 945, 960-963 New York Evening Star, 344/1 New York High Court of Errors and Appeals, 800 New York Statesman, 182/1 Newmyer, R., 162/1 Newspaper commentary, 927-964 Nicholas, Philip N., 25/1 Niles' Weekly Register, 505, 581, 688, 715, 928, 930-932, 934-936, 947-949- 952, 955 Nonconstitutional cases, 9, 971-973 composition of Court's docket, 746-752 conflict of laws, 836, 858-864 contracts and negotiable instruments, 747- 749, 794-829, 833 corporate law, 749-750, 829-834 criminal law and procedure, 751. 836, 864-883 federal jurisdiction, 750-751, 837-849 federal procedure, 75O-75L 849-857 international law, 884-926 marine insurance, 202, 884-885, 916-923, 926 maritime: see Maritime cases prize disputes, 744, 884-886, 891-892, 905-916, 924-926 real property, 747, 752-794- 833 significance of, 741-742, 923-926 sources of Court jurisdiction in, 743-746 Non-Intercourse Act of 1809, 449 Noonan, J., 696/1, 700/1, 701/1 Norberg (ship), 874 North American Review, 91, 92, 336-337, 936, 938-943, 951-952, 957 North Carolina, 24, 754, 761 Notions of the Americans: Picked Up by a Travelling Bachelor (Cooper), 11-13, 15, 21, 23-24, 27, 29-31, 33-40, 47, 56/1 Nullification doctrine, 492 Oakley, Thomas, 571, 572 Occam, Samson, 613, 615 Occupying claimant laws, 642 Ogden, Aaron, 569-571 Ogden, David, 289, 505, 511 Ohio, 35, 525-526, 627/1, 657, 776, 843, 854 One and Inseparable: Daniel Webster and the Union (Baxter), 267/1 Onuf, P., 754/1, 756/1 Opinion-of-the-Court practice, 182, 186-189, 191, 193-195 Opinions; see also Cases; names of Justices advocates' influence on, 247-250, 291 dissents and concurrences, 187, 193, 317 syllogistic reasoning in, 373-374 unanimity of, 184-191 Oral arguments, 182, 203-204, 967 Oral voting, 26 Organ, Hector M., 802-803 Original package doctrine, 582 Osborn, Ralph, 525 Otis, Harrison Gray, 121-122, 357 Otis, James, 599, 682 Page, William, 429, 432 Paine, Elijah, 391, 416, 417 Painter. George, 607 Pannel, David, 766-767 Park, J., 917/1, 918 1003