Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Milton Fairchild, Chairman Research and Cooperation with Schools The Donor, Advising Treasurer through State Departments of Education From 1915 to his death, Nov. 14, 1922 Treasurer, Wm. Qabaugh & Co., D. C. Depository for Endowment, and Advising Treasurer National Savings and Trust Co., D. C. Chartered Non-Commercial February 2, 1922, on an endowment basis, to insure independence and continuity of scientific work THE CHARACTER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, U. S. A. Research on the Problems of Character Education of Children in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Instruction of France, the Department of Public Education of Mexico, and with voluntary Committees as formed MEMBERS: State Commissioners and State Superintendents of Education in various states of U. S. A. or their nominees, and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Com. Wm. John Cooper and Dr. James F. Rogers, of the U. S. Bureau of Education; SecV J. W. Crabtree, National Education Association; Sec'y Florence V. Watkins, National Congress of Parents and Teachers; Dean Wm. G. Ruediger, School of Educa* tion, George Washington University; Supt. Frank W. Ballou and Prin. Allan Davis, Wash ington Public Schools; Dr. John R. Swanton, Smithsonian Institution; Milton Fairchild, Chairman of Board of Trustees and of the Institution. In research work intellectual freedom for the individuals engaged therein is recognized as essential. An endowment is a guarantee of independence and purity of research; please remember this Institution in your will, in the name of the Nation s children and civilization. ftiuL. V -«??044eKnsley-St* (Chevy Chaso) WASHINGTON. D. C. U. S. A. Harry P. McKenna, Secretary Telephone Wisconsin 3088 SEND PROTEST ON LYNCHING Nearoes Appeal to Ritchie to Halt Maryland Mob Violence. A telegram was sent to Governor Hitchle of Maryland yesterday by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 69 Fifth- Avenue, protesting: against the lynching at jgagabury, Md., Friday night of a Negro taken from a hospital, and calling for action by the State to cope, with, mob uprisings. After reviewing; the circumstances cf the lynching, the telegram aaid: "In the same newspaper carrying an account of this latest lynching in your State is a dispatch quoting a speech of yours in which you appeal for full faith in American institutions and in the American idea of democracy. We appeal to you not only as Governor of Maryland, but as a leading- exponent of the American system, to practice what you preach." ft-; ii/3 &o-i^^. t-^=f, SL %-* *-t—1^ LAA-t-t-<<7 t*-^_ l . t T-f- ' / ~jL \-t. nv •v lk,<<^. t^^l .1. t*-^«_ y * f~ ^y r t^y~c ^^• 7^ Jl^^cJ, fc-d tXS-Ki e-/^L5 71 ^ / ^c\ Y-