Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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A Guide in Character Judging The Science Thinking Graph True success sits on a three-legged stool—knowledge, ability, character. Name.. School Class... City..... CHARACTER GRAPH ....Date.. .State.... Basic Civilization Virtues The Verified List Always Nearly Always Half and Half Sometimes Seldom l Honesty, sincerity Truthfulness 2 Cooperation 3 Kindness, affection J> 4 Will-power, poise Self-control 5 Muscular control, skill 6 Executive ability 7 Inventive Constructive 8 Discernment, thinking 9 Purpose, determination s-10 Justice 11 Interest 12 Vitality 13 Industry, energy 1 ! 14 Urges, ambitions 1 15 Public spirit, patriotism Family loyalty RATING: + - Count as credits squares checked above "Half and Half." As determined by the ten-year research of the Character Education Institution, Washington, D. C. Make out your own "character graph." Practice self-character education to establish a foundation for a true success and your citizenship in U. S. A. A very high character is a straight line under "always," a low character is under "sometimes" and "seldom," a jagged character is "always" in some virtues and "seldom" in others. Character will become strong and true if you make yourself do persistently, by will-power, the things that are expressions in conduct and activities of these basic civilization virtues. Memory, keen Senses, alert Observation, Gathering Data Classification, Organization of Data Generalizations to Understand Data, Reasoning ! Verification, Making Sure Broad-minded, Large Problems 1 VARIETIES OF THINKING Good (results) Bad Science 1) data, 2) classification, 3) generalizing, 4) verification Mathematics Abstract reasoning, accounts, financing. Discussion Conferences, reports, articles, papers, addresses, class lectures, teaching. ii. Sloppy Uncertain facts, rambling, without conclusions, weak effort. ia. Insincere Deceptions, falsehoods, concealed selfish interests. 13. Fantastic Visionary, far-fetched, curious inductions. V- 4 Argument Courts, arbitrations, debates, disputes. 14- Nonsense Verbiage pretentious, obscure, reasoning loose. A V Propaganda Salesmanship, reforms, politics. 15-t6 Sarcastic Verbal abuse and ridicule of opponents and ideas. Emotional 1 t>. Literary Essays, orations, sermons, poems, fiction, witticisms. Dominated by anger, fear, love, hate, hope, despair. Egoistic 7- Executive management, leadership, planning. t8 Authority, opinionism, power, personal influence. Chatter 1 8, Invention Machines,processes, methods. Uncontrolled talkativeness. Mob t 9- Manual Working trades, farm labor, Accepting opinions, styles, purposes uncritically, in- ) home, store, factory, sports. herited opinions. j 0 Art 20. Insane Music, sculpture, architec- Ill-formed brain, diseased, js! ture, designing. narcotic, alcoholic, toxic. Checks vV show "Thinking Habits" For use also in employment and promotion work in personnel departments of stores, factories, offices, and by parents in home character education. Applicable in young people's work in churches. When very high reliability is required, several judges make out independent "graphs," and form these into a "Composite Character Graph." Additional copies may be obtained from National Capital Press, Washington, D. C. Prices: 25 copies, $1.00; 50 copies, $1.50; 100 at $2.50; 500 at $5.00; 1,000 at $7.50. Cash with order. Not copyrighted—Can be reprinted by anyone.