Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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DEPLORES PUBLICITY 1ADE " SALISBURY LYNCHING AND PROFESSOR BROADUS MITCHELL (BY REV. GEORGE A. MORRIS, CENTREVILLE) I, Rev. George A. Morris, being a conservative, living in the midst of a conservative people, "on the Eastern Shore of Maryland," of sound mind, memory and understandng, do make this my first testament in the maimer following, that is to say: ITEM FIRST: All articles written (by whomsoever) "and published" concerning the Salisbury lynching, criticising and reflecting upon the intelligence, morality and spirituality of the Salisbury and Eastern Shore people, HAVE DONE NO GOOD. They have engendered strife and caused a breach that will not be easily mended. I read all the articles, judged them for what they were worth, and consigned them to the trash pile. Results of an investigation, of the "lynching at Salisbury," have recently been made public by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, hence 'I refer to the whole matter. We do not know all'the findings but suffice it to say, in our opinion, the Federal Council might have employed its time and talent to a beter advantage than CREATING MORE STRIFF. ITEM SECOND: When a seeming intellectual, (would that John's Hopkins had kept him at home) Prof. Broadus Mitchell was resurrected (I use the word in a sang sense,) and acts in behalf of the Federal Council's Commission on Race Relations, it is time to speak in no uncertain words. Prof. Mitchell said that he visited Salisbury from Friday to Sunday and talked to a dozen persons. Hence his conclusions. What a wonderful mind he must have. Mark you, in forty eight hours, this youngling did grasp the whole situation, weighed it in the balance and found Salisbury and the Eastern Shore people wanting, isolated and backward in mental and spiritual development. Isolated! What did be mean? Did he mean that we were isolated from such mental and spiritual intelligence as he proclaims? We thank God for the isolation. We have no quarrel with Baltimore, and do not charge that city and the Western Shore, with the outburst of vehement vituperation, from the pen of various writers. They represent a class of people who are not the brightest and best in the State in anywise. If we I only knew as much as they think they ' know, how this old globe would whirl. If Mr. Mitchell's knowledge of political economy is as limited as is his I knowledge of the people of Salisbury | and the Eastern Shore, then his state I or condition s worse than ours. It is Izero. Yea! It is less than zero. He J 5s a minus quantity. His picture in i the newspaper, the look of the eye, in-! dicate (to me) Egoism. O what fools we mortals be! May I insist upon what has been suggested in sarcasm by one of our critics? Well, I return it unto you. You men come over as missionaries, start a revival, have the mourners bench and stop firing putrid statements at us from a long range. Elect your officers as follows: Mitchell as chairman of the local Interracial Committee. Menchen to preach, Ain-slie to pray and hang crepe on our doors. Ades to take up the collection, and the Evening Sun Editor act as janitor. Stay in our mdst as long as you please. YOU DECIDE THAT then, go to your respective places, as certain the number of penitents and how many converts you have made. If we be dead, as you claim we are spiritually leave us alone and the Head will bury their dead. However, I warn you tenderly, be cautious. O far away, far astray men! "Inflated and deluded by your own little selves, beware! Mind your own business. We have no respect for any of you. You have made matters worse by your nasty and untrue statements. We are under no obligation to any of you writers from Baltimore, who have criticised us adversely. We shall attend to our own business here on the Eastern Shore, seeking to get rid of the devil and his influence (even by piecemeal) whenever and wheresoever we can. No thanks to you wiseacres, (I use the word in contempt) or to the Federal Council of the Churches in America. I refer you to Paul's letter to the Roman's second chapter, first three verses. ITEM THREE:Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Stop this hellish thing, criticising unjustly Salisbury and the Eastern Shore, lest a more grievous thing should come upon our state. Salisbury is my home town. I am proud of it, and the Eastern Shore and its people, and it is high time (all things being considered) that this damaging and damnable tirade concerning us, cease, and all the 'derogatory remarks and influence be consigned to Hades, where they long. REV. G. A. MORRIS, Centreville, Marfland