Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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CORNER'SJURY TO INVESTIGATE SLAYER'S DEATH Tribunal, Clothed With Compet-' ent Authority, To Endeavor To Ascertain Facts authorities will "hasten investigation State, County And City Officials Co-operating; Mayor Expects No More Trouble Matthew Williams, confessed slayer of D. J. Elliott at his office yesterday afternoon, was removed from the Peninsula General Hospital last night and hanged in the Courthouse yard. i The hanging was witnessed by hun-! dreds of people. An investigation of the entire affair I is being conducted by local authorities I who had not progressed sufficiently to make any statements at press time. The opinion prevails that many of those participating in the actual hanging came from other sections of the peninsula and that their actions were prompted by events that have occuried in their own communities. State's Attorney Levin C. Bailey said a coroner's jury, composed of leading citizens, will be summoned \his afternoon, and later adjourned until a later date for a hearing. All evidence that can be collected will be placed before the jurors whose duty will be to fix responsibility for the death of Williams, Mr. Bailey said. "There will be no more delay than is necessary for the identification of those who took part in this crime. I plan to prosecut this case vigorously, stopping not at the leaders, but carrying it to every other person who took part who can be identified." After a special meeting of the Mayor and Council this morning in City Hall, Mayor Wade H. Insley isued this statement: "A careful investigation shows that everything is quiet and no further trouble is anticipated. There is no indication of tense racial fueling and what has happened can be safely classed as indignatio;. directed only toward the individual concerned, xiitre niver has been any trouble between the races here and th ;rc- is not going to be now. "Simply as a p ecautionary measure sufficient police protection has been provided. The city feels that it is amply able to handle the situation without outside help. The investigation of last night's, unfortunate occurrence is in the hands of the proper county authorities." Governor Albert C. Ritchie returned hurriedly home from New York aad started a thorough inquiry. "When the investigation is completed I shall have something to say," the executive declared. "But the matter is entirely too grave for me to talk about now, of course, I am shocked by the affair." -----------II m^-',*W Mt----------