Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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RABBI ISRAEL URGES ACTION ON LYNCHING Clergyman Here Calls On Eastern Shore Ministers to 'Remove the Disgrace' 111 at his home, Eabbi Edward L. Israel yesterday wrote a letter which was read to Har Sinai Congregation challenging Governor Ritchie to summary action against I the lynchers of Matthew Williams ! (colored) at Salisbury at the risk ' of the executive's political pres- I tige. At the same time the letter called upon the Eastern Shore ministers tc "take active steps to remove the disgrace" unless they were to be frightened into silence and thereby (merit the reproaches of anfi-relig-| ionists that are constantly being hurled against the churches. TEXT OF LETTER. The letter read: "What is going to be the answer of the constituted authori-i ties? Are we going to witness in j Maryland the usual conclusion to j these barbaric scenes? "Is a travesty of a coroner's inquest going to gather with fake j solemnity and declare that the j negro came to his death 'at the ; hands of persons unknown' while i all the while the identity of the | mob leaders is a matter of public knowledge? "Or are we going to have sum. | mary action against the lynchers in a manner to vindicate the honor of Maryland as the defender of justice? COURAGEOUS CHARACTER. "The Eastern Shore situation neds the demonstration of $ strong, courageous character on the part of Annapolis. "What are we going to find there—real courage or petty politics which prates of State's rights yet will do nothing to uphold the dignity of those rights in the face of possible loss of political prestige? "What are the ministers in the churches of the Eastern Shore going to do? I ask whether they are going to be frightened into silence or are going to do what real-religion commands^not only protest, but take active steps toward removing the disgrace. "If the church allows itself to be frightened into silence it will merit the reproaches which anti-religionists are constantly hurling against it. RESTRAINED ATTITUDE. "I appreciate the feelings of all decent colored folks, who, horrified by the mob violence, maintain a dignified and restrained attitude to the shame of the lew-less actions of the mob. The murderer did not represent the decent colored folk any more than the mob represents the true Christians of the Eastern Shore." The letter was read during part of the Stbbath ceremonies at the Bolton Street Temple.