Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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^onerabla Louis L TSiaerson Oovoner Springfield 113 May aQth I93I Dear Sirs I should like to take this opportunity of conveying to you ay postanal esteem and gratefulness for the courage and righteottaneaa which y u unquestionably displayed when you vetoed a law passed by the legislature of your state intended to repeal the enforcement aota concerning prohibition. You axe to be oonraended in the stop waioh you took whioh is certainly deserving of the honorable consideration Of İvery worthwhile reliable and resectable oitisen In the great stats of Illinois* It teeaa to m that it would have been something of a disgraceful attitude for the atate of Illinois to enact **oaaurea with the intention of nollifying Acts and Iğawa which are already a part of the Constitution of the United Btatea and in diract contradiction to those laws. Illinois is thİ commonwealth whloh gave to this Nation, a mn who mem-ory is revered and honored by all the world. - Abraham Lincoln. Therefore? in attesting your veto signature to the forewentioned law, you have dona yourself honor and paid tribute to the memory of the great Kteaneipntor. Wo regret to acknowledge that to many states hive had Governor*a at the head of their government institution, - in the post, as well as in the oreeent. - who ever re acre than willing to aasuae the role of a Jeffer-aon Davis for equally apparent, "rebel1* legislatures, But, jrott refused to do so. You have thereby shown yourself as sternly loyal to the Oonatitution of this great government! you have equally proven yourself absolutely uninfluenced by the lawless element and racketeer*at and It is very apparent that you ate uninfluenced by the tainted underworld of debauchery and hu-aan agents of governmental distruotion. I wiah ray voice powerful enough to brinf these statements to the eare of every person in the groat state of Illinois over which you are its chief executive, or thit it were oossible to nan my vlewa oubliahed in every publie&ti n in your commonwealth. The time has come when decency and reepeotibi ity certainly must assert itself with stemeaa, determinati on, and with force. If necessary, in the interest of a higher atate ot morality and loyalty to the end that we may again obtain better sooial coaditiong and more respect for governmental machinery. XM dear airs I greet you with pleasure for the step you took in vetoing this law designed to repeal various enforcement acts.