Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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Governor Albert Ritchie
(Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence Relating to the Lynching of
Matthew Williams, Courthouse lawn, Salisbury, MD, December 4, 1931)
An Archives of Maryland On Line Publication


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EDnorsfyums (Somerset^News) Realizing our inability to handle the .English language with the capacity of •. that fluent and gifted though scurilous writer, H. L. Menchen, we have no desire to get in a controversy with him. Yet we do most emphatically take exception to his tirade against the Eastern Shore which appeared in Monday Evening Sun....................... It is needless to deny the writer's libelous allegations. Suffice it to say that he is talking through his hat. It Is very probable that he has not visited our shores lately unless in the company of Communists who could and Would introduce him to people of their own strata in life. If it is from these probable associates and companions of Mr. Menchen that we are to receive the education which he says is sorely needed down here, we pray to God that we spend the rest of our days in ignorance. Baltimore has for years been crying for the right to govern itself and we agree that it should be accorded that privilege. We think its Sunday laws, its liquor laws or any other purely local matters should be left entirely up to its own citizens, regardless of the views of the majority of the county representatives in the General Assembly. So do we believe that the same privilege should be extended the citizens ^of the several counties of the State. "We have a local option law tnat we believe is good, but good or bad, it is what we want and Baltimore should have no concern with it. We think that we have intelligence on the bench, Mr. Menchen to the contrary notwithstanding, and if our '"enlightened" neighbors in the city of Baltimore will play in their own back yard justice will be properly administered by this same bench. All of Maryland is proud of Baltimore, but in its confines *.re to be found Bolsheviks, Communists and the scum of the earth. If it wants this kind of populace to swell its population it is welcome to them, but the Shore will not tolerate them or their theories, ». • (Cecil Wig) The newspapers, and particularly the Sunpapers. played a disgraceful part in the whole affair. Issue aftei issue gave aid and comfort to the International Labor Defense League, leading one to think that this heretofore responsible sheet has Communistic tendencies. Flaring headlines, lying news items and general misrepresentation of all the recent tragedies not only in Salisbury but elsewhere incite mob spirit. Unfortunately the Sunpapers are living on their past record, recently they have been unable to tell the truth. For example, recently a news item carried the story that 2